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PLM Articles2023-10-20T15:17:12+02:00

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Make friends with the NEW …PLM systems

Recently, in the companies I know, I heard so often: “Magda, but after all…” that I have decided to write about it. Since publishing texts is still a new experience for me, I will begin by introducing the idea of being new — the “new” in the company.

PLM – Process operation or operation process?

In the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) context, a ‘Process of Action’ can be understood as the series of steps taken during a specific operational procedure. On the other hand, ‘Action of Process’ might refer to the tasks carried out and decisions made to improve and optimize these operating procedures.

Fear Has A Big Eyes

Product lifecycle system as a change in a company, and as a change, it can be both frustrating and motivating at the same time.

Agile PLM

What is an agile strategy when it comes to product lifecycle management? What is worth knowing about this approach to managing work in a company? We will write about this below.

PLM tools – How to manage the product lifecycle?

More and more companies recognize the necessity to act comprehensively in the implementation of various production processes in order to achieve the best possible results. Proper planning of the product lifecycle is particularly important and for this, properly selected PLM tools are essential.

Agile PLM

What is an agile strategy when it comes to product lifecycle management? What should you know about this approach to managing your company’s work? Read all about it below.

Product Lifecycle Management

Product Lifecycle Management Modern technologies are entering business and industrial spaces more and more boldly. They are being used in many ways. One of them is improving production-related processes. For example, modern PLM software can be used to improve product lifecycle management.

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